What the What Now? The Kreativ Blogger Award!

Apparently I am creative. Or kreativ. Or something. Or maybe I’m so verklempt that I can’t write sentences with words that sound good.

Kreativ Blogger Award.  What?

In addition to making me blush uncontrollably, this award has got some rules to it:

First, thank and link back to the blogger who nominated you.

The fabulous Rock Salt nominated me for this little beauty. Let me tell you, she rocked her nomination on her Mad Men cupcakes alone, I bet. I’m totally going to make the Old Fashioned ones next time I want to get a little bit hammered with my buttercream frosting.  Thank you, my dear!  You are awesome.

Second, list 7 things about yourself that your readers may find interesting.

Oh, dear. Here we go. Try not to point and laugh. Too much.

1. My name has always started with a J, contrary to what people often want to believe. My dad originally decided to name me after the custom color that he had his wonderful big boat LTD Continental painted. (They just don’t make cars like that anymore. They just don’t make good car chases starring them anymore, either. Sigh.) It was called “ginger brown.” Change that G up to a J to make all of our initials the same, and there you have it. (And, yes, I know about the Duggars, please don’t tell me about them. We are not those type of crazygonuts people.)

2. My favorite movie of all time? Little Shop of Horrors.

3. I listen to podcasts during almost my entire day, except for when I really have to read and comprehend something or when I’m forced to interact with real people. At the moment, I am all about Nerdist, Geekshow, WTF, Freakonomics, Judge John Hodgman, Stuff You Should Know, Radiolab, and This American Life. That is such a crazy long list, and it’s not even complete. I am such a dork.

4. I only truly learned how to ride a bike 5-ish years ago. All previous childhood attempts never really took. Dan helped me buy my own bike and learn to ride it, and although I am still a little tentative about it (Dan would correct this to say that I am actually a bit of a whiny baby about it), Dan and I try to ride in City Park or on the Lakefront every week.

5. I hate ginger. I think it is gross. Please don’t give me any. And yes, I know how amusing this is to everyone but me.

6. I taught myself to knit with a ball of Red Heart Worsted, a learn-to-knit website, and a pair of chopsticks. My friend TJ received that horribly itchy and wonky scarf and kept it wrapped around a cement donkey for years. I couldn’t make that up if I tried.

7. I have been told that the way I eat pizza is extremely bizarre, but I don’t care. This only applies to standard delivery pizza and does not include homemade, restaurant, or any type of thin-crust pizza for some reason. I like to scrape the toppings off with a fork, then to eat the crust, and then to eat the topping with the aforementioned fork. And no, I can’t tell you why. It’s just awesome. Don’t knock it until you try it.

Oh man. Okay, that’s done.

Third, nominate and link 7 other deserving bloggers, and be sure to let them know.

Now, here’s a list of totally deserving, totally awesome bloggers, in completely random order. They may not know who I am and wonder why I am nominating them out of nowhere because I am not much of a commenter, but I enjoy their work immensely and have for a long time. Also, if I’m bothering or insulting anyone by tagging them for this, I’m sorry. I just think you’re great, and I’d like to have a beer with you.

1. Blatherskite – Moni knits, writes, librarians (can I please make that a real verb?), and takes photographs — all with an unapologetic honesty and intensity to which I can only aspire.

2. Mixxedtape – Maxime was my first follower here on jingersnaps, and I adore her super fun and healthy breakfast recipes and unabashed positive outlook. She makes me want to try meditation. That was a weird sentence, but it is totally true.

3. Everybody Likes Sandwiches – Jeannette is just fantastic. Years ago, Everybody Likes Sandwiches was the blog that made me feel like maybe I could cook and bake and blog. She makes it all look so simple and intuitive and elegant, and I have a big ole blogging girl-crush on her. I pretended not to be all excited when she followed me on Pinterest. Unsuccessfully. I just hope that I am not bothering her.

4. The Food Librarian – I once won a giveaway contest on Mary’s blog, and she sent me all this amazing Trader Joe’s stuff and the cutest little card. She’s such a sweetie, and her exploits in the world of butter and sugar are commendable. She’s the brains behind I Like Big Bundts, by the way. Baking, plus 90s hip-hop? I’m so game.

5. Turtlegirl’s Bloggy Thing – Cristy was one of the first people that I noticed and friended on Ravelry, and she’s continued to be a source of envy and inspiration ever since. She effortlessly segues between beautiful complex knitting projects and lolspeak like a pro, and I love her for it.

6. Door Sixteen – I want to be Anna when I grow up. I want to get an awesome haircut, paint my entire house black and white, listen to the Smiths, and design book covers. Seriously. She is a creative force to be reckoned with. (I already listen to the Smiths, so I’m partway there, right?)

7. Pepperknit – I am a bit of a newcomer to Erin’s blog, but I feel like we are kindred spirits in knitting, cooking, and photography. Although, in saying that, I feel like I’m equating my work to hers, and that’s just not it. Her knits and photo sessions are always terribly, painfully lovely, and she makes me want to be a better blogger.

There we go! A peek into some of my weirdnesses, and a call to action to go and visit the amazing blogs of all of those wonderful people.

Thank you again to Rock Salt, and to everyone else who reads me here. You guys are fabulous, too. I’m going to go and hyperventilate now from too much happy.

2 thoughts on “What the What Now? The Kreativ Blogger Award!

  1. Well deserved award! Excellent and I am excited to check out your favorite blogs. I hate ginger too (and corriander)!

    • Thanks so much! I think I hate ginger because of how it just takes over your mouth. Like horseradish. Or biting into a peppercorn. The taste itself is okay, which is why I do enjoy the odd ginger ale or pepperkakor, but the sensation and the heat of it….blech. Glad I’m not alone!

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