Blueberry Muffins for Lunch

2012-06-30 193

Over the past week, I’ve had 2 vaccines, a TB test, and two titers drawn, in addition to lots of waiting in doctor’s offices and the DMV. Something had to be better today in reward for my patience.

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I had to be allowed to make a giant mess of my kitchen and eat blueberry muffins for lunch because I said so. Not just any blueberry muffins, either. Amazing blueberry muffins devised by one of my primary girl crushes, Joy the Baker. Brown Butter Blueberry Muffins.

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A futuristic in-the-oven shot! It’s been a while. This took place when everything was just starting to smell so good that I may have been going a bit mad.

These muffins are awesome.

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Because Joy is a genius. She knows that the only way to make buttery muffins better is to make them taste even butterier.

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And to add crunchy, crumbly delicious topping.

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In addition to her fantastically silly and awe-inspiring blog, the Joy the Baker podcast also fills a void that I didn’t know I had. (And made me get way into shutterbean, thankfully!) And listening to her interview awesome inspirational people on We’re About to Be Friends makes me want to be a better blogger. Better baker. Better person. Better everything.

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Look at all those blueberries!

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Seriously. I’m probably obsessed. I may have just gotten a haircut that inadvertently (I swear!) looks a lot like hers on the cover of her new cookbook.

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Completely an accident. I promise. But I love it.

2012-06-30 205

I also totally ate blueberry muffins and milk for lunch, which is something of which I think Joy would totally approve.

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